Serpentine Supravenous Hyperpigmentation Following Cisplatin and Pemetrexed Chemotherapy
- Author:
- Monica Noori, MD
- Lindsey Hunter-Ellul, MD
- Brent Kelly, MD
Serpentine supravenous hyperpigmentation (SSH) is a rare phenomenon characterized by linear hyperpigmentation of the skin overlying veins...
An Intense Rash
- Author:
- Brent Kelly, MD
- University Of Texas Medical Branch
- Galveston
The answer to our third puzzler
Pacemaker Rash
- Author:
- Brent Kelly, MD
- Steve Quach, MD
- University Of Texas Medical Branch Galveston
- Texas
A24-year-old white female is admitted directly to the hospital by her cardiologist for a wound infection. She is a medical technology student who...