When is technology ready for mainstream use for mental health care?
- Author:
- Jay H. Shore, MD, MPH
Publish date: October 17, 2017
The “middle caribou theory” is a way to think about adapting treatments and interventions, Dr. Jay H. Shore says.
Digital transference: New dangers in a new world
- Author:
- Jay H. Shore, MD, MPH
Publish date: May 15, 2017
Dr. Jay H. Shore examines how transference and countertransference can manifest in the digital doctor-patient relationship.
‘Doc in a box’ vs.’tele-teaming’: Contending models of telepsychiatric care
- Author:
- Jay H. Shore, MD, MPH
Publish date: October 25, 2016
As articulated by Steve Daviss, MD, DFAPA, in the inaugural column of Techiatry, the adoption and diffusion of telepsychiatry (live two-way...