Intimate partner violence: Opening the door to a safer future
- Author:
- Andrea A. Massa, PhD
- John R. Freedy, MD, PhD
These recommendations can help you to identify patients at risk of violence, create an environment where they feel comfortable disclosing their...
Youth e-cigarette use: Assessing for, and halting, the hidden habit
- Author:
- Eleanor L. S. Leavens, PhD
- John R. Freedy, MD, PhD
Using a checklist to establish patients’ level of dependence and combining behavioral therapy with nicotine replacement products can help users to...
Spotting—and treating—PTSD in primary care
- Author:
- John R. Freedy, MD, PhD
- Clive D. Brock, MD
Combat, sexual assault, and random violence have left millions of Americans with PTSD. A 4-question screen can help you determine if your patient...