ACC/HRS/SCAI seek to unify rollout of percutaneous LAA occlusion
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
CVD becomes second-largest cause of death in U.K.
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
Cardiovascular disease is no longer the main cause of death in the United Kingdom overall, but it is still the top killer of women in the U.K.
Obesity, genetic variations found in adult survivors of childhood cancer
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
CRC linked to teen BMI, inflammation
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
In youth, hours of screen viewing is associated with severity of depression
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
More-severe depressive symptoms were significantly associated with the amounts of time a student played video games and used a computer, but not...
Incidence of first-ever bipolar diagnoses rose, researchers find
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
Bipolar disorder became significantly more common in Denmark, especially throughout the 2000s.
Silent transmission of polio could last years
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
Silent transmission of polio can occur for several years without a clinical case occurring.
MDD tied to lower bone mineral density in men
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
Antidepressant use is associated with lower bone mineral density, but only among men with low body weight.
FDA tells food producers to cut the trans fat
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
Companies have 3 years to remove partially hydrogenated oils from their human food products.
Medical marijuana legalization not tied to uptick in teen use
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
In states that legalized medicinal use of marijuana, use by 10th- and 12th-graders was unaffected, while use by 8th-graders declined.
Medical Marijuana Legalization Not Tied to Uptick in Teen Use
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
Is citrulline-specific ACPA key to bronchiectasis-RA link?
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
In bronchiectasis patients who develop rheumatoid arthritis, the responses of anticitrullinated peptide antibodies become more citrulline specific...
Feds grant more time to submit Oncology Care Model applications
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
Only those who submitted timely, complete Letters of Intent are eligible to apply for participation in the Oncology Care Model.
Mycophenolate mofetil bests azathioprine for maintenance in lupus nephritis
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
Mycophenolate mofetil was superior to azathioprine in preventing treatment failure in 227 lupus nephritis patients who initially responded to...
Migraines are extremely common in bipolar disorder
- Author:
- Katie Lennon
Bipolar II disorder patients more frequently had migraines than those with bipolar I disorder, according to a meta-analysis.