Common Ground: Primary Care and Specialty Clinicians’ Perceptions of E-Consults in the Veterans Health Administration
- Author:
- Chelsea Leonard, PhD
- Rachael R. Kenney,MA
- Marcie Lee, MA, MPH
- Preston Greene, PhDb
- Melanie Whittington, PhD
- Susan Kirsh, MD, MPA
- P. Michael Ho, MD, PhD
- George Sayre, PsyD
- Joseph Simonetti, MD, MPH
Qualitative telephone interviews revealed that e-consults are best suited for certain types of clinical questions; and should include complete...
Cognitive Biases Influence Decision-Making Regarding Postacute Care in a Skilled Nursing Facility
- Author:
- Robert E Burke, MD, MS
- Chelsea Leonard, PhD
- Marcie Lee, MA, MPH
- Roman Ayele, PhD, MPH
- Ethan Cumbler, MD
- Rebecca Allyn, MD
- S Ryan Greysen, MD, MHS, MA