Alternaria Sensitization Common in Children With Severe Asthma
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: In a study of 187 children, 37% of those with severe asthma tested positive for Alternaria sensitization, compared with 21% of...
Small Margins Not Too Close for Comfort in Rectal Cancer
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: Overall 5-year survival was 70%, with no significant difference in survival by margin size.Data Source: Investigators reviewed...
Adjuvant Therapy May Benefit Some With Early Gastric Cancers
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: Patients with stage IA-IIA gastric adenocarcinoma and at least two risk factors had a 5-year disease-specific survival of 76% or...
Limb Perfusion for In-Transit Melanoma Reduces Distant Recurrences
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: Hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion was significantly better than isolated limb infusion at preventing out-of-field, in-transit...
Melanoma on Scalp Signals Worse Prognosis Than Other Sites
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: Compared with melanomas originating at other body sites, scalp melanomas are associated with worse 5-year melanoma-specific...
Outpatient Aspirin Desensitization Restores Drug's Benefit in AERD
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Some Triple-Negative Breast Cancers Express Androgen Receptor
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: The androgen receptor was expressed in 23% of triple-negative breast tumors.Data Source: Investigators did a microarray analysis of...
Neoadjuvant Anastrozole, Other AIs Lower Mastectomy Rate
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: Among all patients initially considered inoperable or mastectomy candidates, breast-conserving surgery was made possible in 48.2%...
Soluble CD14 in Cord Blood Predicts Wheeze, Cough at 1 Year
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: In a comparison of high vs. low soluble CD14 in cord blood, the adjusted odds ratio for wheeze at 1 year with high levels was 7.74...
Multispecialty Team a Lifeline in Severe Asthma
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: Of 14 children who died from asthma at a children's hospital over a 10-year period, 11 (79%) never received follow-up care in the...
Circumcision May Lower Prostate Cancer Risk
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: Men who were circumcised before their first sexual intercourse had a 15% reduction in relative risk, compared with men who were...
Working Out Works Well in Asthma
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: At week 8, scores on the symptom domain of an asthma quality-of-life questionnaire were significantly higher among exercisers, with...
Schools Tackle Socioeconomic Gap in Asthma Control
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: Children assigned to a school-based asthma education program had significant improvements compared with controls in activity-...
Farm Living Linked to Low Asthma Prevalence
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil
Major Finding: Only 5.2% of a sample of Amish children had ever received a diagnosis of asthma, and only 0.6% had ever been diagnosed with hay...
ASCO Urges Early Palliative Care in Metastatic Cancers
- Author:
- Neil Osterweil