Racial/ethnic disparities in cesarean rates increase with greater maternal education
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
While the likelihood of a cesarean delivery usually drops as maternal education level increases, the disparities seen in cesarean rates between...
Neighborhood police complaints tied to Black preterm birth rates
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
Black women were nearly 30% more likely to deliver preterm if an excessive force complaint had been reported nearby.
Racial disparities in maternal morbidity persist even with equal access to care
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
Even in the U.S. military health care system, where all service members have universal access to the same care, researchers found substantial...
Low-dose aspirin did not reduce preterm birth rates but don’t rule it out yet
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
While this recent study was underpowered to show a statistically significant effect, researchers believe it’s too soon to rule out a beneficial...
COVID-19 in pregnancy tied to hypertension, preeclampsia
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
The patients who were COVID positive were significantly more likely than those who tested negative to have gestational hypertension and...
Maternal COVID antibodies cross placenta, detected in newborns
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
We need to better understand how transplacental transfer occurs as well as establish neonatal correlates of protection.
Disparities in child abuse evaluation arise from implicit bias
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
Since disparities in child abuse evaluation and reporting can harm care of all children, clinicians need to be aware of the impact of implicit...
LGBTQ+ youth issues include fertility counseling and foster care
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
Two studies in the previous year highlight key areas with clinical implications for pediatricians when caring for LGBTQ+ patients.
Understanding and addressing suicide risk in LGBTQ+ youth
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
Policies and practices that affirm LGBTQ+ youths’ identity appear to ameliorate suicide risk.
Watch for cognitive traps that lead diagnostics astray
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
When errors are made, it’s not because physicians lack knowledge: rather they go down a wrong path in their thinking process.
Food insecurity called urgent issue you must address
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
One in three Black children and one in four Latino children are experiencing food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Infectious disease is an increasing threat from climate change
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
Shifts in infectious disease patterns caused by climate change need to be on your radar.
PCOS tied to risk for cardiovascular disease after menopause
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
Women with PCOS diagnosed prior to menopause appear to be at higher risk of stroke and heart attack later in...
Relugolix combo effective for uterine fibroids through 1 year
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
This therapy would provide a needed long-term treatment for women with heavy menstrual bleeding because of...
Addressing adolescent substance use requires establishing consistent procedures
- Author:
- Tara Haelle
Providers should be screening their teen patients at least once every year for substance use concerns, but doing so successfully and managing...