All cancers
The epidemiologic signature for all cancers combined differed somewhat by sex. Women had a rising incidence during the 1980s that was mainly driven by lung and breast cancers, according to Dr. Welch and colleagues; a continued rise since the mid-1990s was largely driven by melanoma, kidney cancer, and thyroid cancer. Declining mortality since 1990 has been primarily due to reductions in deaths from breast and colorectal cancers, and, more recently, lung cancer.
Men had a “volatile pattern” in the incidence of all cancers combined that was attributable to prostate cancer trends; drops in lung and colorectal cancer incidences were offset by rises in melanoma and kidney cancer incidences, the analysts proposed. Declining mortality since 1990 was more marked than that among women and reflects a longer period of decline in lung cancer mortality, plus reductions in deaths from prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.
“Falling mortality means that there has been real progress against cancer in the past 40 years – largely reflecting improved treatment and the decline of a uniquely powerful causal factor: cigarette smoking,” Dr. Welch and colleagues noted. “The lack of an accompanying fall in incidence is an unfortunate side effect of early cancer-detection efforts.”
Dr. Welch reported that he had no relevant disclosures. The analysis did not receive any specific funding.
SOURCE: Welch HG et al. N Engl J Med. 2019;381:1378-86. doi: 10.1056/NEJMsr1905447.