Key clinical point: Autologous fat grafting (AFG) in the second stage of a 2-stage prosthetic breast reconstruction was linked to a higher risk for breast cancer (BC) recurrence when performed within a year after mastectomy.
Major finding: Patients who did vs did not undergo AFG within 1 year after the primary operation had a significantly increased risk for disease recurrence (hazard ratio 5.701; 95% CI 1.164-27.927). However, delaying the fat grafting beyond 12 months after mastectomy did not affect survival outcomes.
Study details: Findings are from a retrospective cohort study including 267 patients with unilateral invasive BC who underwent total mastectomy and immediate tissue-expander-based reconstruction, of which 203 patients underwent the second-stage operation within 12 months of mastectomy and 64 patients underwent the operation after 12 months of mastectomy.
Disclosures: This study did not report the source of funding. The authors declared no conflicts of interest.
Source: Lee KT et al. Association of fat graft with breast cancer recurrence in implant-based reconstruction: Does the timing matter? Ann Surg Oncol. 2022;30(2):1087-1097 (Dec 10). Doi: 10.1245/s10434-022-12389-0