A Visit With Stephen J. Welch


What are some of the critical skills CHEST physicians need to keep the population healthy during the ever-evolving field?

Educationally, we recognize that conferences like the annual CHEST meeting must provide more than just talking heads. We’ve invested heavily in high-fidelity medical simulation through small group, hands-on skill training in critical care techniques, airway management, EBUS, critical care ultrasound, bronchoscopy, and other chest medicine content. It’s like the old adage about fishing: instead of telling people how to fish, we teach them to fish.

Any final thoughts?

I always encourage our members to get involved with CHEST and experience the camaraderie and connectivity of the CHEST family. Ask any of our leadership, and you will surely hear their story of that special person who first introduced them to the College. Reach out and tell a colleague about CHEST. We are focused on clinically relevant education that our members can take back and put into action immediately. At the end of the day, it’s about providing state-of-the-art education via high fidelity medical simulation, hands-on skills training, clinically focused courses, case-based programming, and more—all intended to be immediately implemented to improve patient care and patient outcomes. That’s what the CHEST organization is all about.


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