
The outcomes of “GOLD 2017”


In an analysis of the GOLD 2017 criteria applied to 819 COPD patients in Spain and the United States, published online Nov. 3, 2017, in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Carlos Cabrera López, MD, and his colleagues concluded that the mortality risk was better predicted by the 2015 GOLD classification system than by the 2017 iteration (Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 Feb. doi: 10.101164/rccm.201707-1363OC).

The distribution of Charlson index scores also changed. Whereas group D was higher than B in 2015, they became similar in the 2017 system. For her part, Dr. Han emphasized that the primary goal of the GOLD ABCD classification system is to categorize patients with respect to treatment groups. “Current therapy targets symptoms and exacerbations, which are the key current elements of the classification schema,” she said in an interview. “The results of the Cabrera Lopez analysis are not necessarily unexpected, as FEV1 is associated with mortality.”

In a prospective, multicenter analysis, Portuguese researchers compared the performance of GOLD 2011 and 2017 in terms of how 200 COPD patients were reclassified, the level of agreement between the two iterations, and the performance of each to predict future exacerbations (COPD. 2018 Feb;15[1]; 21-6). They found that about half of patients classified as GOLD D under the 2011 guidelines became classified as GOLD B when the 2017 version was used, and the extent of agreement between the two iterations was moderate (P less than .001). They also found that the two versions of the guidelines were equivalently effective at predicting exacerbations (69.7% vs. 67.6% in the 2011 and 2017 iterations, respectively). In addition, patients who met the criteria for a GOLD B grouping in the 2017 iteration exacerbated 17% more often and had a lower percent predicted post bronchodilator FEV1 than did those who met the criteria for a GOLD B classification under the 2011 guidelines.

Dr. Han, who is also an associate professor of medicine at the University of Michigan Hospital, acknowledged that GOLD 2017 has resulted in the reclassification of some previously group D patients as group B patients. “Our primary goal is to aid clinicians with the diagnosis and management of patients with COPD,” she said. “We look forward to additional data coming in from ongoing clinical trials that will provide longer term data to further refine treatment algorithms.”


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