The first quarterly meeting of your CHEST Board of Regents for the 2019-2020 CHEST year occurred from January 30 to February 1. We were welcomed to Coronado, California, by CHEST's new President Stephanie M. Levine, MD, FCCP, who began by reviewing the success of the CHEST 2019 Annual Meeting. The meeting had both the highest attendance of medical professionals and the highest total attendance in CHEST history, as well as CHEST's largest Fellow-in-Training attendance. There was also a significant increase in the number of international colleagues who attended the meeting. Dr. Levine next reported on upcoming CHEST activities including six live-learning courses scheduled to occur before May, the CHEST Congress in collaboration with the Italian delegation in Bologna, Italy in June, ongoing planning for CHEST 2020, the next volume of SEEK Critical Care and two additional cough guidelines.
Both the CHEST Boards and our members benefit from an incredibly talented staff. As for any team whose members bring a variety of talents and background experiences, aligning to propel the team mission forward requires excellent understanding on individual strengths and weaknesses and strong communication. For several months, under the guidance of CHEST EVP/CEO Robert Musacchio, PhD, CHEST senior staff have participated in team-development activities. Our Presidents, along with Dr. Musacchio and the executive leadership team, wanted to further the process by including all members of the Board of Regents and the Board of Trustees in team- and Board-development activities at this meeting. Exercises focused on the recognition of organizational strengths and opportunities, as well as improving team communication. The insight gained through these activities will undoubtedly pay dividends longitudinally as we continue to move CHEST toward the goals needed to meet the needs of our membership.
Other agenda items covered during the Winter Board meeting included:
The Governance Committee discussed continued efforts for Board orientation and mentorship of new members. A strategy of self-assessment and feedback has been planned to allow individuals to develop the skills that they need to strengthen the Boards as a whole.
The Guidelines Task Force presented recommendations about the scope and scale of the CHEST Guidelines program moving forward, including several options as to how CHEST could deploy available resources to meet member needs, which led to a robust discussion about quality of guidelines, quantity of guidelines, and how they could both be optimized.
The NetWorks Task Force reported on their progress toward designing a system that better allows the leaders of our 22 NetWorks opportunities to curate and create sustainable resources for NetWork members, increase their digital presence, and engage more CHEST members by creating more leadership opportunities within the current NetWork structure.
The next face-to-face meeting of the Board of Regents will occur in April at CHEST Headquarters in Glenview, Illinois; the Spring meeting is also an opportunity for our main committees (Training and Transitions, Guidelines Oversight, Membership, Council of NetWorks, among others) to meet face-to-face to develop plans for the coming year. If you want to get more involved in CHEST, please watch for the upcoming call for applications for leadership positions coming this spring.