News From CHEST Physician®

CHEST Learning: Growing our impact

CHEST is known for innovative learning. This stems from an appetite for experimentation, a highly engaged membership, strong volunteer leaders, and a responsive staff. We are leaders in gaming, simulation, and hands-on and applied learning, and we’re best in class in key areas – namely our annual conference – that demonstrate organizational responsiveness.

Dr. James B. Young, Chief Learning Officer, American College of Chest Physicians

Dr. James B. Young

I serve as Chief Learning Officer and Senior Vice President of Education and have been with CHEST for nearly a year. I was drawn to CHEST for its strong mission and look forward to sharing ideas for how we can develop and deliver learning in a changed world.

The charge for developing an organization-wide learning strategy comes from the CHEST Board and Robert Musacchio, PhD, CHEST CEO and Executive Vice President, and it is reflected in an ambitious strategic statement that links our shared direction to broad-based growth through expansion of our clinical audience and reach, resulting in an increased ability to improve the lives of patients.

CHEST will crush lung disease by creating exceptional educational experiences relevant to clinicians, patients, caregivers, and industry, applying our trusted brand and data and employing our highly respected staff and volunteers with clinical expertise.

To meet this challenge, we gathered insights from across the membership and identified that our learning strategy should be built on the three anchors of choice:

  • Choice – Emphasizes easy-to-find learning that adapts to learner need through engagement, pathways, and social interaction. This is known as personalized learning.
  • Responsiveness – Combines our ability to understand and respond to learners with new and enhanced programs, products, and learning experiences.
  • Connection – Provides learners with immediate, longitudinal, and engaging communities to maximize their connection to CHEST over the length of their career.

The coronavirus pandemic requires us to come together as a community and further our focus. Our values remain unchanged: to meet our learners where they are. Now, more than ever, that means we need to deliver CHEST learning with an emphasis on digital. Three areas make up CHEST digital learning: virtual programming, e-learning, and game-based learning. Some concrete examples of what you can expect:

  • We are currently preparing and will be prepared to deliver virtual versions of our Annual Conference and Board Review (should either event not run in-person).
  • We will release a game hub called Arcades this summer, which will allow for you to access our games online.
  • We continue to enhance the offerings available in our e-learning subscription.
  • We continue to release fresh educational content on the CHEST COVID-19 site.

Together, the learning strategy and the broader ambition to grow present an opportunity to extend a key CHEST differentiator: to deliver learning that is responsive, experiential, and applied. Key features include strengthening our understanding of your needs, deepening our connection to all those who play a role in improving lung health, delivering education where and when you need it, leveraging modular learning to offer flexibility, and emphasizing personalized learning and learning communities.

The CHEST learning strategy is built for scale and inclusiveness. It relies on you, our highly engaged community deeply committed to improving patient outcomes. Through our conversations with you and leadership, we have defined the future state of CHEST education as follows:

Learning drives an innovative CHEST. We are the global leader in medical society learning. We build and deliver best-in-class learning that demonstrably enhances clinician performance and improves patient outcomes. We engage with learners over the lifecycle of their career by creating responsive and high-impact learning that is interactive, personalized, and social

High-impact learning happens when it’s timely, accessible, applied, hands-on, and, most of all, social. Our future depends on our ability to stay connected and engaged as we chart a new course together.

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