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Doctors’ top telehealth coding questions answered


The coding expert answers your questions

Betsy Nicoletti, MS, a nationally recognized coding expert, will take your coding questions via email and provide guidance on how to code properly to maximize reimbursement. Have a question about coding? Send it here.

In this column, Nicoletti addresses several readers’ questions on using telehealth and provides guidance on delivering mental health services remotely.

Telehealth: Frequently asked questions

Since the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) expanded use of telehealth during the COVID-19 emergency, I’ve seen various follow-up questions coming from physicians. Here are the most common ones received and some guidance.

Q: How long can we continue using telehealth?

A: Private payers will set their own rules for the end date. For Medicare, telehealth is allowed until the end of the public health emergency. Department of Health & Human Services Secretary Alex M. Azar II renewed the status of the public health emergency, effective April 26, 2020, for an additional 90 days.

Q: Can I bill Medicare annual wellness visits via telehealth?

A: Yes, you can bill the initial and subsequent Medicare wellness visits (G0438, G0439) via telehealth, but the Welcome to Medicare visit (G0402) is not on the list of telehealth services.

In fact, the wellness visits mentioned above may be billed with audio-only communications because of the expansion of telehealth services, although these visits require height, weight, BMI calculation, and blood pressure, and CMS has not issued guidance about whether the patient’s self-reported measurements are sufficient or whether they can be deferred.

Q: Can I bill an office visit via telehealth?

A: Yes, you may bill new and established patient visits 99201-99215 via telehealth, but for Medicare, these still require the use of real-time, audio-visual communications equipment.

Q: Can I bill an office visit conducted via telephone only?

A: For Medicare patients, you may not bill office visit codes for audio only communication. If there is audio only, use phone call codes 99441-99443. In order to bill an office visit, with codes 99201-99215 to a Medicare patient, audio and visual, real time communication is required. Some state Medicaid programs and private insurers allow office visits to be billed with audio equipment only, so check your state requirements.

Q: How do I select a level of office visit?

A: CMS’s announcement on March 31 relaxed the rules for practitioners to select a level of service for office and other patient services (99201-99215). CMS stated that clinicians could use either total time or medical decision-making to select a code.

If using time, count the practitioner’s total time for the visit, both face to face and non–face to face. It does not need to be greater than 50% in counseling. If using medical decision-making, history and exam are not needed to select the level of service. Medical decision-making alone can be used to select the code.

Q: Can I count the time it takes my medical assistant to set up the audio-visual communication with a patient?

A: No, you cannot count staff time in coding and billing a patient visit in this manner.

Q: Is there a code for a registered nurse to use for making phone calls with patients?

A: No, unfortunately.

Q: How do I know if a service can be billed with phone only?

A: These are indicated as “yes” on CMS’s list of covered telehealth services as allowed via audio only.


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