
Dangers of a medical board investigation: How to protect yourself


Public Citizen used FSMB data on serious disciplinary actions per 1,000 doctors in each state to calculate its rankings, a practice that FSMB called incomplete and a misuse of its statistics. Nonetheless, the annual rankings generated a lot of publicity critical of state boards and might have spurred a tougher approach by regulators.

Public Citizen stopped publishing its annual rankings in 2013 after FSMB ceased supplying the data, but the get-tough approach remains, lawyers said.

About 95% of complaints are dismissed with nothing more serious than a letter to the doctor, but boards don’t hesitate to act when the misconduct is serious, said Dr. Dauer. “I felt it was my obligation to protect the public.”

Don’t try to fix it yourself

Although many complaints are anonymous, doctors can often figure out what or who it involves. Their impulse might be to contact a patient who complained, correct a medical record, or otherwise try to resolve the matter personally.

It’s better to leave things alone, the experts said. Don’t contact a patient. Give the board access to whatever information it asks for, but don’t alter anything, particularly medical records. “That’s how you’re going to get your license revoked,” Dr. Dauer said. He noted that when doctors add notations to records, they must date them.

Hire a lawyer

Many physicians assume they can resolve the complaint easily by explaining themselves to the board or investigators, or they don’t realize their license or practice could be at stake.

They’re better off letting a lawyer speak for them. Attorneys knowledgeable in this realm specialize in representing licensed professionals before regulatory boards and have the greatest knowledge of administrative law and how to negotiate the hearings and procedures.

Typically, a hearing is held before a subcommittee of the board, which can recommend a settlement to the full panel. Cases in which a settlement is not reached can go before the entire board.

Although full hearings can be similar to a trial, there are crucial differences regarding evidentiary rules and other matters, Ms. Collis said. For example, in Ohio, defendant physicians do not get to see the board’s full case against them before the hearing, which can make preparing a defense difficult. And the standard for burden of proof is a preponderance of evidence, as in civil suits, not evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, as in a criminal trial.

Cases that go to full hearings and beyond to appeals in state courts can take years to resolve, and a physician’s license can be suspended for the duration.

Get help before it’s too late

Physicians looking for support and advice can turn to organizations such as the Coalition for Physician Rights, an organization formed in 2018 by Kernan Manion, MD, a former psychiatrist who was forced to deactivate his license after an investigation by the North Carolina medical board.

The Coalition for Physician Rights has advised hundreds of physicians, most of whom he said come to him once they realize they’re in over their heads. “Almost everyone comes in too late,” Dr. Manion said. “They’re sitting ducks. They don’t know how to respond.”


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