From the Journals

Vaccination alone won’t counter rise of resistant variants: Study


Relaxation of nonpharmaceutical interventions once vaccination of the population has reached a tipping point short of herd immunity can increase the probability of the emergence of a resistant strain that natural selection then favors, according to new findings of a modeling study published online on July 30, 2021, in Scientific Reports.

Although vaccination is the best strategy for controlling viral spread, changes in our behavior and mindset will be increasingly required to stay ahead of vaccine-resistant strains, according to the authors of the report.

“We have become accustomed to thinking of the pandemic from the point of view of epidemiology, and advised to reduce transmission and the number of people getting sick and the death rate. As the pandemic spreads across years, there will be a new dimension to our thinking, both for policymakers and the public. And that’s the evolutionary perspective,” coauthor Fyodor Kondrashov, PhD, an evolutionary biologist at the Institute of Science and Technology, Klosterneuburg, Austria, said at a press briefing on July 299.

The coming “change of mentality” that Dr. Kondrashov foresees should reassure people that masking and social distancing even after being vaccinated aren’t futile. “It decreases the possibility that a vaccine-resistant strain is running around. We’re not just trying to prevent the spread, but the evolution of novel variants, which are so rare at this point that we haven’t yet identified them,” he said.

The study focused on evolution generically, rather than on specific variants. “We took the classical model used to study epidemiology of pandemics, the SIR [susceptible, infected, recovered] model, and we modified it to study the dynamics of rare mutations associated with emergence of a vaccine-resistant strain,” Simon A. Rella, the lead author of the study and a PhD student at the Institute of Science and Technology, explained at the briefing.

The researchers simulated the probability that a vaccine-resistant strain will emerge in a population of 10,000,000 individuals over 3 years, with vaccinations beginning after the first year. For eight scenarios, rates of infection, recovery, death, vaccination, and mutation and the percentage of individuals with resistant viral strains were factors in the model.

The model also simulated waves of low and high transmission, similar to the effects of large-scale interventions such as lockdowns.

Three factors

The study showed that a trio of factors increases the probability of a vaccine-resistant strain taking hold: slow rates of vaccination, high number of infected individuals, and faster mutation rate

These factors, Mr. Rella said, are obvious to some degree. “Every infected individual is like a mini-bioreactor, increasing the risk that mutations will appear that will endow the virus with the property of avoiding the immune system primed by a vaccine.”

Not as obvious, Mr. Rella added, is that, when most people are vaccinated, a vaccine-resistant strain has an advantage over the original strain and spreads faster.

But we can stop it, he said. “Our model shows that if at the time a vaccine campaign is close to finishing and nonpharmacological interventions are maintained, then there’s a chance to completely remove the vaccine-resistant mutations from the virus population.”

In scenarios in which a resistant strain became established, resistance initially emerged after about 60% of the population had been vaccinated. That makes nonpharmaceutical interventions such as masking and social distancing vitally important. Just under 50% of the U.S. population over the age of 12 has been fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Our results suggest that policymakers and individuals should consider maintaining nonpharmaceutical interventions and transmission-reducing behaviors throughout the entire vaccination period,” the investigators concluded.


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