Saying no
This brings me to saying “no.” We are taught to say “yes” to every opportunity throughout our careers and, while that can certainly help us get far, it can also lead to burnout. Once you’re an attending, you’re in it for the long haul, so best to say yes to the things you are most interested in and “spark joy,” as Marie Kondo says, and say no to the things that do not make you happy and are not congruent with your overall goals. Fielder and Sihag (above) note that your division director or chief typically has a vision in mind for you within the department. It is important to communicate with leadership so that everyone is on the same page and the administrative and academic opportunities afforded to you are in alignment with your career goals going forward.
Teaching trainees
To prepare for teaching as an attending, Dr. Greco recommends starting during your own training. She suggests cataloging your study materials and notes for later reference, curating talks throughout your training, and exploring different rounding styles prior to graduation (Greco, A. CHEST Thought Leader Blog. 2021 June). To get more experience in formal speaking, Dr. Shen and colleagues encourage getting involved in resident noon conferences (Shen JZ, Memon AA, Lin C. Stroke. 2019 Sep;50[9]:e250-e252). A benefit of being a critical care attending is that you can gain experience teaching not only with the internal medicine residents but with emergency medicine, anesthesiology, and critical care advanced practice provider residents, as well.
While lecturing is one thing, teaching on service is a whole different ball game. No matter how young, fun, and relatable you think you are, you’re the boss now. You’re the giver of grades and the writer of evaluations. It is important to be self-aware of your influence and be deliberate with the environment you create on rounds and in clinic. Set expectations on day 1 so that everyone understands. Be open with what you are working on. For example, I make daily goals for myself that I share with the team before rounds. Drs. Fielder and Sihag (above) suggest sharing anecdotes from your own time in training that can help both you and your trainees remember that you were just in their shoes. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable creates a safe space in which your learners feel more comfortable doing the same.
Lastly, delegation is key. While many of us have done this since residency, Dr. Shen et al (above) suggest deliberately practicing this during fellowship. If you were the fellow who was able to handle a lot on your own, trust that your own fellows will be able to do that. Delegating to your trainees helps you improve personal and team efficiency, provides fellows with needed autonomy, and allows you to further grow into the role of attending physician.
While you may be nervous starting out, trust that you have been well trained and have the clinical knowledge and skills you need to do your job – you are ready. Get to know the staff you will be working with, your colleagues, and keep in touch with your co-trainees and mentors who have helped you along the way. Make daily goals for yourself, and make time to read and reflect so that you can continue to learn and grow. Most of all, make time for yourself, your friends, and your family, because after years of supporting you through all of your hard work, you’ve finally made it – congrats!
Dr. Greer is Assistant Professor of Medicine, Emory University Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, Atlanta, GA.