News From CHEST Physician®

Coming together for a night of philanthropy and fun


Although attendees will be watching “The Test of the Champion” with bated breath, the upcoming Belmont Stakes Dinner and Auction on June 11 in New York City is about much more than a famous horse race. It’s about community – the vibrant community of clinicians, patients, advocates, and more who support the mission to crush lung disease.

The event started small with a Sunday brunch at the home of CHEST President-Elect Doreen Addrizzo-Harris, MD, FCCP, where attendees gathered to learn more from their host about the CHEST Foundation’s many initiatives. However, over the years, Dr. Addrizzo-Harris leaned on her own community of colleagues, family, friends, and patients to build an event that now boasts hundreds of attendees. But despite all that has changed, the Belmont Stakes Dinner and Auction is still dedicated to raising awareness about the CHEST Foundation and fundraising for initiatives to develop patient education and improve care.

In addition to a plated dinner, silent auction, cocktail reception, and rooftop after-party, this year’s event will feature speeches from two long-time patient advocates living with chronic lung conditions, Fred Schick and Betsy Glaeser.

For Dr. Addrizzo-Harris, spotlighting that unique patient perspective is particularly meaningful because the core focus of CHEST and the CHEST Foundation is to improve care and, by extension, patients’ lives.

Visit to read a blog post with more information about Schick and Glaeser’s work advocating for others with lung disease, find more details about the Belmont Stakes Dinner and Auction, and reserve your seat for this night of philanthropy and fun.

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Belmont Stakes to support initiatives focused on improving the patient experience