
‘Medical Methuselahs’: Treating the growing population of centenarians


Tracking a growing group

Since 1995, geriatrician Thomas Perls, MD, has directed the New England Centenarian Study at Boston University. The study, largely funded by the National Institute on Aging, has enrolled 2,599 centenarian persons and 700 of their offspring. At any given time in the study, about 10% of the centenarians are alive. The study has a high mortality rate.

The people in Dr. Perls’s study range in age, but they top out at 119, the third oldest person ever in the world. Most centenarians are women.

“When we first began the study in 1995, the prevalence of centenarians in the United States was about 1 per 10,000 in the population,” Perls told this news organization. “And now, that prevalence has doubled to 1 per 5,000.”

Even if no one has achieved the record of Methuselah, the Biblical patriarch who was purported to have lived to the age of 969, some people always have lived into their 90s and beyond. Dr. Perls attributed the increase in longevity to control at the turn of the 20th century of typhoid fever, diphtheria, and other infectious diseases with effective public health measures, including the availability of clean water and improvement in socioeconomic conditions.

“Infant mortality just plummeted. So, come around 1915, 1920, we were no longer losing a quarter of our population to these diseases. That meant a quarter more of the population could age into adulthood and middle age,” he said. “A certain component of that group was, therefore, able to continue to age to a very, very old age.”

Other advances, such as antibiotics and vaccinations in the 1960s; the availability in the 1970s of much better detection and effective treatment of high blood pressure; the recognition of the harms of smoking; and much more effective treatment of cardiovascular disease and cancer have allowed many people who would have otherwise died in their 70s and 80s to live much longer. “I think what this means is that there is a substantial proportion of the population that has the biology to get to 100,” Dr. Perls said.

Perls said the Latino population and Blacks have a better track record than Whites in reaching the 100-year milestone. “The average life expectancy might be lower in these populations because of socioeconomic factors, but if they are able to get to around their early 80s, compared to Whites, their ability to get to 100 is actually better,” he said.

Asians fare best when it comes to longevity. While around 1% of White women in the United States live to 100, 10% of Asian women in Hong Kong hit that mark.

“I think some of that is better environment and health habits in Hong Kong than in the United States,” Dr. Perls said. “I think another piece may be a genetic advantage in East Asians. We’re looking into that.”

Dr. Perls said he agreed with Dr. Goel that health care providers and the lay public should not make assumptions on the basis of age alone as to how a person is doing. “People can age so very differently from one another,” he said.

Up to about age 90, the vast majority of those differences are determined by our health behaviors, such as smoking, alcohol use, exercise, sleep, the effect of our diets on weight, and access to good health care, including regular screening for problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. “People who are able to do everything right generally add healthy years to their lives, while those who do not have shorter life expectancies and longer periods of chronic diseases,” Dr. Perls said.

Paying diligent attention to these behaviors over the long run can have a huge payoff.

Dr. Perls’s team has found that to live beyond age 90 and on into the early 100s, protective genes can play a strong role. These genes help slow aging and decrease one’s risk for aging-related diseases. Centenarians usually have a history of aging very slowly and greatly delaying aging-related diseases and disability toward the ends of their lives.

Centenarians are the antithesis of the misguided belief that the older you get, the sicker you get. Quite the opposite occurs. For Dr. Perls, “the older you get, the healthier you’ve been.”


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