News From CHEST Physician®

Next stop, Hawai’i: A look into the Scientific Program Committee Meeting


Planning for the CHEST Annual Meeting is no small undertaking and begins shortly after the past year’s conference concludes – if not even earlier. Each year, the members of the Scientific Program Committee are tasked with receiving hundreds of submissions and selecting the most clinically compelling ideas to build a meeting program that is both broad in scope, yet also tailored to each specific area of pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine.

In mid-February, the CHEST 2023 program began to take shape as the members of the committee met at CHEST Headquarters in Glenview, Illinois, to critically review each and every session. By the end of the 2-day meeting, barring last minute changes, the program was all but completed, and Hawai’i began to feel very close.

Scenic images of the destination were projected onto the walls, and the room was brimming with excitement for a CHEST meeting unlike any other. Chair of the CHEST Annual Meeting 2023, Aneesa Das, MD, FCCP, focused heavily on the educational experience the meeting will offer while also embracing the culture of Hawai’i. With two representatives from the state, CHEST 2023 looks to respectfully incorporate Hawaiian customs at every opportunity to supplement the education.

Chair of the Interstitial Lung Disease and Transplant curriculum, Debbie Levine, MD, MS, FCCP, shared that, at least for her section, it was likely the irresistible destination that contributed to the submissions. “Because this meeting is in Hawai’i, we received the most submissions our group has ever seen,” said Dr. Levine. “And these submissions were top notch – we had really excellent topics to pick from, so this is going to be our best curriculum yet. This is likely true for the other groups, too, so anyone who goes to CHEST 2023 in Hawai’i will get the best of the best in the most beautiful place in the world.”

Breadth of coverage

With something for everyone in chest medicine, the CHEST 2023 meeting will feature hundreds of sessions covering eight curriculum groups:

  • Critical Care
  • Interdisciplinary/Practice Operations/Education
  • Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Vascular Disease
  • Interstitial Lung Disease/Transplant
  • Lung Cancer/Interventional Pulmonary/Radiology
  • Chest Infections/Disaster Medicine/Systemic Disease
  • Airways Disease
  • Sleep

During the planning meeting, each of the curriculum chairs presented their slate to ensure diversity of content, panelist characteristics – including clinical backgrounds – and something for every level of clinician: from student to accomplished professional.

Chair of the Sleep Medicine curriculum, Carolyn D’Ambrosio, MD, MS, FCCP, said, “Our curriculum covers the typical topics like obstructive sleep apnea, but we also have sessions on difficult titrations in the sleep laboratory and how to work with noninvasive ventilation in the outpatient setting. Anyone who specializes in sleep medicine should come to CHEST 2023 because we have something for every piece of practice.”

The CHEST atmosphere

Chair of the Airway Disorders curriculum, Marcos Restrepo, MD, PhD, FCCP, encouraged attendees who may not be involved with the college saying, “CHEST is very welcoming to everyone, no matter what the level of knowledge or experience is; it is a very collegial group. That’s what first attracted me to CHEST from the beginning – how nice everyone was. I think this is a fantastic opportunity for all of us and particularly for those that are willing to really be part of something. And this is something really special.” In addition to the slate of programming, CHEST will host master courses before and after the annual meeting. Requiring advance registration, these will include a wide variety of problem-based learning scenarios taught by renowned experts in the field.


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