Practice Management
Fired for good judgment a sign of physicians’ lost respect
The firing of a physician who made use of soon-to-expire COVID-19 vaccine doses rather than flush them epitomizes the loss of physician autonomy...
From the Journals
Roots of physician burnout: It’s the work load
Cutting-edge research utilizes cognitive theory and work load analysis to get at the roots of the crisis among practitioners.
Don’t fear patients reading their clinical notes: Opinion
Some doctors anticipate that open notes will erode patient communication.
USMLE stuns again: Clinical skills test permanently ended
In May, cosponsors of the Step 2 CS said they would take 12-18 months to revamp it as COVID-19 upended the test after the pandemic put it on hold...
Biggest challenges practices faced from COVID last year: MGMA
The economic pain felt by practices has resulted in layoffs, furloughs, and/or reduced compensation for providers and staff.
From the Journals
PCPs play a small part in low-value care spending
Study indicates waste was widely distributed among specialties.
Physicians react: Doctors worry about patients reading their clinical notes
As part of the 21st Century Cures Act, patients will now have the right to see their medical notes.
Medicaid to cover routine costs for patients in trials
Six big changes coming for office-visit coding
The American Medical Association has revised the definitions for evaluation and management codes 99202-99215 in the Current Procedural Terminology...
Proposed HIPAA overhaul to ease access to patient health info
The HHS is proposing an overhaul of HIPAA that will make it easier to access patients’ personal health information, including the health records...