Practice Management
Good for profits, good for patients: A new form of medical visits
Some doctors who use shared medical appointments discuss how connected they feel with their patients.
Patients who refuse to wear masks: Responses that won’t get you sued
Are you required to see a patient who refuses to wear a mask? If you ask the patient to leave without being seen, can you be accused of patient...
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Primary care practices may lose about $68k per physician this year
While some outpatient care has rebounded back to prepandemic levels, some ambulatory specialties remain dramatically down.
Physician shortage grows in latest projections
“We’ve seen in stark detail how fragile and quickly overwhelmed America’s health care system truly is, and we’re nowhere near out of the woods...
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Lawmakers question mental health disclosure rules
The AMA, AAFP, and others have signed a statement encouraging organizations not to inquire about clinicians and health care staff’s previous...
Many physicians live within their means and save, survey shows
Primary care offices have seen a 55% drop in revenue because of the pandemic, and specialists have been hard hit with the suspension of most...
Telehealth and medical liability
Is the “in-person” standard of care appropriate for telemedicine?
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Hashtag medicine: #ShareTheMicNowMed highlights Black female physicians on social media
The physician event will feature 10 teams of two, with one physician handing over her account to her black female counterpart for the day.
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Fighting COVID and police brutality, medical teams take to streets to treat protesters
“I am working full time and basically being at the protest after getting straight off of work,” said Butler, who is black. That’s tiring, she...
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Money worries during COVID-19? Six tips to keep your finances afloat
“A lot of people are hesitant to stop their automatic savings if they’ve been maxing out their 401(k) contribution or 529 accounts. ... But if you...