Applied Evidence

When the answer to vaccines is “No”

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From The Journal of Family Practice | 2018;67(6):348-351,359-364.


A sensitive subject. Discussion of a vaccine related to a child’s sexual health makes some parents uncomfortable. Studies show that focusing on the cancer prevention aspects of the vaccine, rather than on sexual transmission of HPV, results in greater vaccine acceptance.35

In 2016, only 60.4% of boys and girls were current on their first HPV vaccination and only 43.3% were up to date with the full series.

However, if discussion of sexual transmission is unavoidable, remind parents to consider their own adolescence and whether they chose to share everything with their parents. Point out that there were probably things they did that they later looked back on and thought, “What was I thinking?” Their children, no matter how wonderful and levelheaded they are, will be no different. And, as much as parents don’t want to think about it, some kids will suffer unwanted sexual contact. Shouldn’t parents protect their children as best as they can?

A teen’s right to choose? Some states have passed a Mature Minor Doctrine, which provides for mature, unemancipated teens to make their own medical decisions regarding such issues as sexuality, mental health, and drug and alcohol use without their parents’ consent. In these states, teens may elect to receive the HPV vaccine without parental permission. (Check your state’s laws for specifics, and see the 2 boxes with patient-friendly talking points for influenza vaccine7,36-39 and human papillomavirus vaccine.40-47)

Gretchen LaSalle, MD, MultiCare Rockwood Clinic, 2214 East 29th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99203;


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