
Three malpractice risks of video visits


During a telemedicine visit with his physician, a 62-year-old obese patient with an ankle injury reported new swelling of his leg. Three weeks had passed since the man visited an emergency department, where he underwent surgery and had a cast applied to the wound. The physician, during the telemedicine visit, advised the patient to elevate his leg and see an orthopedist within 24 hours. A Doppler ultrasound was ordered for 12:30 p.m. that same day.

The patient never made it to the appointment. He became unresponsive and went into full arrest hours later. His death fueled a lawsuit by his family that claimed failure to diagnose and treat deep venous thrombosis. The family contended the providers involved should have referred the patient to care immediately during the video visit.

The case, which comes from the claims database of national medical liability insurer The Doctors Company, illustrates the legal risks that can stem from video visits with patients, says Richard Cahill, JD, vice president and associate general counsel for The Doctors Company.

“By evaluating the patient remotely, the physician failed to appreciate the often subtle nuances of the clinical presentation, which undoubtedly could have been more accurately assessed in the office setting, and would probably have led to more urgent evaluation and intervention, thereby likely preventing the unfortunate and otherwise avoidable result,” said Mr. Cahill.

According to a Harris poll, 42% of Americans reported using video visits during the pandemic, a trend that is likely to continue as practices reopen and virtual care becomes the norm. But as physicians conduct more video visits, so grows their risk for lawsuits associated with the technology.

“We probably will see more malpractice suits filed the more telehealth is used,” said Mei Wa Kwong, JD, executive director of the Center for Connected Health Policy. “It’s a numbers game. The more it’s used, the higher likelihood that lawsuits occur.”

Three problems in not being able to touch the patient

1. The primary challenge with video visits “is the inability to directly observe and lay hands on the patient,” says Jonathan Einbinder, MD, assistant vice president of analytics for CRICO, a medical liability insurer based in Boston.

“While you can see them via video, it can be hard to get a full sense of how sick the patient is and whether other things might be going on than what they are reporting,” said Dr. Einbinder, a practicing internist.

Such incomplete pictures can lead to diagnostic errors and the potential for lawsuits, as demonstrated by a recent CRICO analysis. Of 106 telemedicine-related claims from 2014 to 2018, 66% were diagnosis related, according to the analysis of claims from CRICO’s national database. Twelve percent of the telemedicine-related claims were associated with surgical treatment, 11% were related to medical treatment, and 5% were associated with medication issues. A smaller number of claims resulted from patient monitoring, ob.gyn. care, and safety and security.

Another analysis by The Doctors Company similarly determined that diagnostic errors are the most common allegation in telemedicine-related claims. In the study of 28 telemedicine-related claims from The Doctors’ database, 71% were diagnosis related, 11% were associated with mismanagement of treatment, and 7% were related to improper management of a surgical patient. Other allegations included improper performance of treatment or procedure and improper performance of surgery.

“Because a ‘typical’ exam can’t be done, there is the potential to miss things,” said David L. Feldman, MD, chief medical officer for The Doctors Company Group. “A subtlety, perhaps a lump that can’t be seen but only felt, and only by an experienced examiner, for example, may be missed.”

2. Documentation dangers also loom, said William Sullivan, DO, JD, an emergency physician and an attorney who specializes in health care. The legal risk lies in documenting a video visit in the same way the doctor would document an in-person visit, he explained.

“Investigation into a potential lawsuit begins when there is some type of bad outcome related to medical care,” Dr. Sullivan explained. “To determine whether the lawsuit has merit, patients/attorneys review the medical records to retrospectively determine the potential cause of the bad outcome. If the documentation reflects an examination that could not have been performed, a lawyer might be more likely to pursue a case, and it would be more difficult to defend the care provided.”

Dr. Sullivan provided this example: During a video visit, a patient complains of acute onset weakness. The physician documents that the patient’s heart has a “regular rate and rhythm,” and “muscle strength is equal bilaterally.” The following day, the patient’s weakness continues, and the patient goes to the emergency department where he is diagnosed with stroke. An EKG in the ED shows that the patient is in atrial fibrillation.

“The telehealth provider would have a difficult time explaining how it was determined that the patient had normal muscle strength and a normal heart rhythm over a video visit the day before,” Dr. Sullivan said. “A lawyer in a subsequent malpractice case would present the provider as careless and would argue that if the provider had only sent the patient to the emergency department after the telehealth visit instead of documenting exam findings that couldn’t have been performed, the patient could have been successfully treated for the stroke.”

3. Poorly executed informed consent can also give rise to a lawsuit. This includes informed consent regarding the use of telehealth as the accepted modality for the visit rather than traditional on-site evaluations, as well as preprocedure informed consent.

“Inadequate and/or poorly documented informed consent can result in a claim for medical battery,” Mr. Cahill said.

A medical battery allegation refers to the alleged treatment or touching of a patient’s body without that person’s consent. As the AMA Journal of Ethics explains, a patient’s consent must be given, either expressly or implicitly, before a physician may legally “interfere” with the physical body of the patient.

Ideally, the informed consent process is undertaken during a first in-person visit, before virtual visits begin, Dr. Feldman said.

“There is a lot that a patient has to understand when a visit is done virtually, which is part of the informed consent process,” Dr. Feldman said. “The pandemic has forced some physicians to do their first visit virtually, and this makes the process of informing patients more onerous. It is not a simple matter of converting an in-person office practice to a remote office practice. The work flows are different, so there are definitely legal concerns as it relates to privacy and cybersecurity to name a few.”


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