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Moderate alcohol intake may curb subsequent diabetes after gestational diabetes



Risk/benefit ratio for alcohol includes many factors

“There is a relative paucity of data regarding women’s long-term health as it may relate to pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes,” Angela Bianco, MD, of Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, said in an interview.

Dr. Bianco said she was surprised by some of the study findings.

“Generally speaking, I consider alcohol to be of little to no nutritional value, and to have a high sugar content/glycemic index,” she said. “However, a reduced incidence of adult-onset diabetes has been observed among moderate drinkers in other large prospective studies as well,” she noted. “In contrast, some studies have shown an increased risk of diabetes among a proportion of subjects in the top alcohol consumption category, while other studies have found no association. Possible inconsistencies may be due to differences in drinking patterns and the types of beverages consumed,” Dr. Bianco explained.

A key point for clinicians to keep in mind is that “the study may be flawed based on the different criteria used to make a diagnosis of history of gestational diabetes, the fact that they excluded patients that did not return the questionnaires, and the fact that respondents may not have answered correctly due to recall bias” or other reasons, Dr. Bianco said. “Additionally, those who responded obviously had access to health care, which in and of itself is a confounder,” she noted.

Another key point is that “the effect of alcohol being consumed with or without a meal was not examined,” said Dr. Bianco. “Alcohol concentration is reduced if consumed with meals. Alcohol can lead to hypoglycemia (from reduced gluconeogenesis) during fasting states, but after meals (postprandial states) it can result in lower glucose disposal and higher blood glucose levels,” she said. “The available literature suggests that alcohol may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce resistance, but there is likely a U-shaped association between alcohol consumption and the risk of diabetes,” Dr. Bianco noted. “There is likely a delicate balance between benefits and risks of alcohol intake. The inherent benefit/risk ratio must take into account with other potential comorbidities including BMI, activity level, stress, and preexisting conditions,” she said.

“Additional long-term studies engaging patients with diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds with detailed information regarding the role of nutrition, alcohol intake, tobacco and drug use, environmental exposures, and medical comorbidities need to be performed,” Dr. Bianco concluded.

The study was supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; the Nurses’ Health Study II was supported by the National Institutes of Health. Lead author Dr. Hinkle and coauthor Cuilin Zhang, MD, are employees of the U.S. federal government. The researchers and Dr. Bianco had no financial conflicts to disclose.


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