The Optimized Doctor

Could ChatGPT write this column?


Friday, Feb. 10, 2023, marked the first time a patient told me they had used ChatGPT to answer a medical question. I’ve been reluctant to write about this super-buzzy new AI chatbot, but I am starting to think it is the real deal. Just how powerful is it? Well, ChatGPT might in fact be writing this column right now. It isn’t. No really, it’s me. But if not for the few cues (“super-buzzy”) that you’ll recognize as my writing voice, there might not be any way for you to know if I wrote this or not.

Dr. Jeffrey Benabio, director of Healthcare Transformation and chief of dermatology at Kaiser Permanente San Diego.

Dr. Jeffrey Benabio

It’s perfectly OK if you’ve no clue what I’m talking about. ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that burst into public view just a couple months ago. Not your parent’s chatbot, this one is capable of answering questions in conversational language. It is jaw-droppingly good. Like Google, you can type in a question and it offers you answers. Rather than giving you a list of websites and a few Wikipedia blurbs, however, ChatGPT answers your question in human-like text. It can also create content on demand. For example, I asked it to write a Valentine poem to a dermatologist, and it gave me five stanzas starting with:

Oh gentle healer of skin so fair,
Your touch is soft and hands so rare,
With your skills and gentle care,
You make my heart skip with a flare.

Not good enough to send to my wife. But not bad.

If you ask it again, it will create a whole new one for you. Amusing, yes? What if you asked ChatGPT to explain psoriasis, or any medical condition for that matter, to a patient? The replies are quite good. Some even better than what I’m currently using for my patients. It can also offer treatment recommendations, vacation advice, and plan, with recipes, a dinner party for six with one vegan and one gluten-free couple. If you are a programmer, it can write code. Ask it for a Wordpress plugin to add to your website and your eyes will widen as you see it magically appear before you. What if you find that you just don’t like your daughter’s new boyfriend? Yep, it will write the text or email for you to help with this discussion. I’ve saved that one.

I tried “What are treatments for bullous pemphigoid that has been refractory to topical steroid, oral prednisone, and oral tetracyclines?” It replied with five ideas, including the standard methotrexate and azathioprine but also IVIG, Rituxan, even other biologics. Write an op note? Appeal a denied prior authorization to a payer? Write a clinic note for a complete skin exam? Check, check, check. Are you starting to think it might be the real deal, too?

Before we sell the farm though, there are significant limitations. Despite how swotty ChatGPT seems, it is not smart. That is, “it” has no idea what “it” is saying. ChatGPT is an incredibly sophisticated algorithm that has learned the probability of what word comes next in a conversation. To do so, it read the Internet. Billions (trillions?) of words make it possible to predict what is the best answer to any question. But – it’s only as good as the Internet, so there’s that. My patient who used ChatGPT has dissecting cellulitis and asked what to do for scarring alopecia. Some of the answers were reasonable, but some, such as transplanting hairs into the scarred areas, would not likely be helpful. That is unless ChatGPT knows something I don’t.

Having wasted hours of time playing with this thing rather than writing my column, I asked ChatGPT to write an article about itself in the style of Christopher Hitchens. It was nothing like his incisive and eloquent prose, but it wrote 500 words in a few seconds ending with:

“The reality is that there is no substitute for human interaction and empathy in the field of dermatology. Dermatologists must be cautious in their adoption of ChatGPT and ensure that they are not sacrificing the quality of patient care in the pursuit of efficiency and convenience.”

I’m not sure I could have said it better myself.

Dr. Benabio is director of Healthcare Transformation and chief of dermatology at Kaiser Permanente San Diego. The opinions expressed in this column are his own and do not represent those of Kaiser Permanente. Dr. Benabio is @Dermdoc on Twitter. Write to him at

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