A 65-year-old man presents with neck pain following a fall. Earlier this evening, he says, he fell off his porch (approximately four feet in height) and hit the top/front of his head on the ground. He denies any loss of consciousness, adding that he only came in for evaluation at the urging of his family.
The patient denies any extremity weakness or paresthesias. He also denies any significant medical history, although his sister, who has accompanied him, states that he drinks alcohol “regularly and heavily.”
Physical examination reveals a man who appears much older than his stated age and is uncomfortable, but not in obvious distress. His vital signs are normal. He is currently wearing a hard cervical collar.
There is no palpable tenderness posteriorly along his cervical spine. He is able to move all of his extremities well. His strength is good, and his sensation is intact.
A lateral radiograph of the patient’s cervical spine is shown. What is your impression?