Randy D. Danielsen, PhD, PA-C, DFAAPA, Linda S. MacConnell, MPAS, MAEd, PA-C
CONCLUSION For most patients, AR has little morbidity; however, for some whose rhinitis is moderate to severe, the complications can be a concern. If symptoms are not controlled with avoidance and/or medication, AI may be indicated. It comprises the building up of tolerance to the specific allergens as identified by allergy skin testing or in vitro specific IgE testing. AI, whether SCIT or SLIT, is the only means of altering the abnormal immune system response that underlies AR. Treatment may last as long as three to four years, which provides long-term efficacy of at least three years after cessation of therapy. The long-term prognosis for AR is excellent.
Appreciation is extended to Roxy Irestone, RN, Arizona Asthma & Allergy Institute, for her assistance is gathering factual information for this article.