News from the FDA/CDC
By the numbers: Asthma-COPD overlap deaths
News from the FDA/CDC
FDA approves first generic albuterol inhaler
The FDA had recently released guidance on steps companies need to take to submit complete applications for products like this.
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Acid-suppressant medications in infants with bronchiolitis raises later allergy risk
Stronger links forged between RA and asthma, COPD
Findings from the first-ever prospective study to evaluate asthma and COPD as risk factors for RA suggest providers should lower bar for...
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Study links GLP-1R agonists, lower inflammatory biomarker levels
News from the FDA/CDC
FDA issues stronger warning on neuropsychiatric event risk linked to montelukast
The new boxed warning advises health care providers to avoid prescribing montelukast for patients with mild symptoms.
FDA okays Palforzia, first drug for peanut allergy in children
Palforzia will carry a boxed warning on the risk of anaphylaxis, and initial doses can be given only by certified professionals in certified...
Fast, aggressive eczema treatment linked to fewer food allergies by age 2
Infants treated with corticosteroids for atopic dermatitis within 4 months of onset had half the food allergies as those treated later.
Atopic dermatitis in egg-, milk-allergic kids may up anaphylaxis risk
Egg- and milk- allergic patients with atopic dermatitis had more incidents of anaphylaxis; no impact seen in cases of peanut allergies.
Conference Coverage
Clinic goes to bat for bullied kids
NEW ORLEANS – In Dr. Raffalli’s clinical experience, cyberbullying has become the bully’s weapon of choice.