Rise in Clostridium Difficile, Especially Among Kids
Key clinical point: The overall incidence of community acquired CDI is increasing, with the rate of change highest among children. Major finding:...
Chronic Hepatitis C Infection: Bane of Baby Boomers
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An Antiemetic for Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Laparoscopic Splenectomy Underutilized in the U.S.
Key clinical point: American general surgeons lag far behind their foreign colleagues in their rate of laparoscopically completed splenectomies....
FDA Approves Budesonide Rectal Foam for Distal UC
IBD, Especially Crohn’s Disease, Linked to Cervical Neoplasia
Key clinical point: Women with IBD, especially Crohn’s disease, are at increased risk for developing cervical neoplasia. Major finding: Women with...
Efficacy, Not Tolerability, of Bowel Prep Is Primary
Key clinical point: Efficacy, not tolerability, of bowel preparation is the primary concern before colonoscopy. Major finding: Up to 20%-25% of...
VIDEO: New Drug Shows Efficacy in Metastatic CRC
Timing of Gluten Introduction in Infancy Doesn’t Matter
Key clinical point: No age “window” exists for introducing gluten to avert celiac disease. Major finding: At ages 3-10 years, similar percentages...
Drug Combinations Found to Increase Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Risk
Key clinical point: Excess risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding occurred with combinations of NSAIDs and selective serotonin reuptake...