IBD & Intestinal Disorders
Conference Coverage
Persistent fatigue plagues many IBD patients
SAN DIEGO – More than one-third of patients in remission continue to experience the disabling symptom.
Crohn’s: Red meat avoidance won’t prevent flares
There were no significant differences in time to any symptomatic relapse between the high– and low–red meat diet groups at the end of the study....
Zoster vaccination is underused but looks effective in IBD
For men with inflammatory bowel disease, herpes zoster vaccination was associated with about a 46% decrease in risk of associated infection...
Infections within first year of life predicted IBD
The correlation was strongest for onset by age 10 years.
Conference Coverage
Appendectomy linked to increased risk of subsequent Parkinson’s
The findings give pause to the notion of performing discretionary appendectomies in patients who are having surgery for another reason.
Conference Coverage
Studies link TMAO to microbiome, reveal new heart disease target
MIAMI – TMAO alters cholesterol and bile acid metabolism, upregulates inflammatory pathways, and promotes foam cell formation, all of which worsen...
AGA publishes care pathway for IBD in pregnancy
Aminosalicylates, biologics, and immunomodulators can be continued during pregnancy and delivery.
News from the FDA/CDC
FDA: Safety signal emerged with higher dose of tofacitinib in RA study
The FDA is working with Pfizer to better understand how the signal affects patients and how the drug should be used, the agency said in a...
TNF inhibitor prices rose despite increased drug class competition
Estimated treatments costs for etanercept, infliximab, and adalimumab would have been 40%-45% lower without new competition, a new analysis finds...
Childhood inflammatory bowel disease linked to increased mortality
The risk of death was three- to fivefold higher than that in the general population.