Mental Health
NIMH strategic plan returns balance to research priorities
The NIMH’s strategic plan renews and expands a focus on suicide prevention, early intervention in psychosis, and the needs of diverse populations...
Parenting special needs children: An unlikely model
Mental health professionals need to be prepared to address these issues, said Dr. Migdalia Miranda Sotir.
Fracture risk higher for children with anxiety on benzodiazepines
In a rare study of off-label sedative use, children prescribed benzodiazepines for an anxiety disorder saw a higher rate of fractures than did...
Conference Coverage
Dietary intervention cuts mood swings, other bipolar symptoms
"The best message for doctors to tell their patients at this point is one of general nutritional health," said Dr. Erika Saunders.
COVID-19 ravaging the Navajo Nation
The Navajo are having to rely on the strength and resilience of traditional Navajo culture and philosophy to confront COVID, said Dr. Mary Hasbah...
COVID-19: An opportunity to rehumanize psychiatry
We should also promote as much humanity as society and public health safety will permit, said Dr. Nicolas Badre.
APA, others lobby to make COVID-19 telehealth waivers permanent
Domestic violence amid COVID-19: Helping your patients from afar
In the United States, 2,345 calls were placed to the National Domestic Violence Hotline during March 16–April 6, 2020.
Movement-based yoga ‘viable’ for depression in many mental disorders
Individuals who performed yoga showed a greater reduction in depressive symptoms, compared with the three control groups.
Conference Coverage
COVID-19: Psychiatrists assess geriatric harm from social distancing
“Certainly the appalling number of deaths in nursing homes is the No. 1 horror of the pandemic.”