Mixed Topics
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Dogs can be protective, even against Crohn’s disease
Conference Coverage
Can lasers be used to measure nerve sensitivity in the skin?
A device is being developed that uses an erbium laser to conduct in vivo exposures, records each subject’s perception of stimulus, and maps the...
Tin in permanent contraception implants causes toxicity
“When the implant degrades, it can travel anywhere in the pelvis, like a needle moving through the body with no apparent destination.”
Coffee drinkers – even those with a sweet tooth – live longer
The protective effects of coffee were most apparent in people who drank about two to four cups a day.
Does taking isotretinoin worsen a patient’s baseline IBD symptoms?
To investigate this topic, the researchers identified 19 patients who were diagnosed with IBD and treated with isotretinoin over a 16-year period...
HPV strains covered by the vaccine have declined greatly in the U.S.
Can fecal transplants help reverse aging?
New research provides ‘tantalizing’ evidence for the direct involvement of gut microbes in aging and the possibility of gut microbe–based anti-...
Conference Coverage
Bone, breath, heart, guts: Eight essential papers in primary care
Roughly one in three adults with hypertension have inadequate blood pressure control, and clinicians have two options for intensifying treatment,...
Conference Coverage
Cancer diet studies: Veggies get another rave, while red meat’s busted again
Gastric cancer linked to red meat consumption, while vegetables (but not fruit) may lower liver cancer rates.