Mixed Topics
Conference Coverage
COVID-19 pandemic dictates reconsideration of pemphigus therapy
New guidance advises altered pemphigus treatment strategy.
How to not miss something
As doctors, we've gotten proficient at being triage nurses, examining each appointment request, and sorting who should be seen in person and who...
About one-third of older Americans receive shingles vaccine
“People over age 50 who have had chickenpox have a one third chance over...
How racism contributes to the effects of SARS-CoV-2
Underrepresented minorities face systemic bias and racism when interacting with the healthcare system, Dr. Salles writes.
Erythematous Plaques on a Tattoo
A 29-year-old man presented with increased redness, dryness, and pruritus at the periphery of a tattoo on the upper back of 4 months' duration. He...
Telehealth and medical liability
Is the “in-person” standard of care appropriate for telemedicine?
ID dermatology: Advancements, but new challenges, over 50 years
One of the biggest wins for ID dermatology over the last 5 decades has been herpes. It started with the approval of acyclovir in 1981.
Conference Coverage
For COVID-19 plus diabetes, glycemic control tops treatment list
Tight glucose control led to better results in patients with diabetes and COVID-19.
Conference Coverage
High-frequency spinal cord stimulation eases painful diabetic neuropathy
Lancet, NEJM retract studies on hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19
The Lancet issued a retraction of an influential study of hydroxychloroquine use in COVID-19 patients. Hours later, NEJM retracted a second study...