Does Fish Oil During Pregnancy Help Prevent Asthma in Kids?
The data have been mixed, but a new meta-analysis provides clarity: Omega-3 supplementation in pregnancy can help prevent asthma in offspring—just...
HCV infection tied to premature ovarian senescence and a high miscarriage rate
Infertility and adverse pregnancy outcomes in HCV-infected women appear associated with increased ovarian senescence.
Women aged 35-39 years at greater risk for stillbirth
Researchers in Denmark analyzed a large number of first-trimester pregnancies to make risk estimates for adverse outcomes.
Trial seeks improved regimens for pregnant women with HIV
A new study seeks better-tolerated alternatives to the current antiretroviral regimen for pregnant women with HIV.
News from the FDA/CDC
Women filling more ADHD prescriptions
Increase in possible medication exposure during pregnancy “is of public health concern.”
Folic acid and multivitamin supplements associated with reduced autism risk
Lower ASD risk is found in children whose mothers started taking supplements 2 years before pregnancy.
Conference Coverage
Unplanned cesareans more common with excess gestational weight gain
Almost half of women surveyed gained excess weight during pregnancy.
Conference Coverage
Ectopic pregnancies predicted by easy-to-use risk stratification model
SAN ANTONIO – A combination of lab values and patient factors had high predictive power.
Prenatal vitamin D supplementation plagued by lack of evidence
Prenatal supplementation with vitamin D appears to have benefits, but there’s still not enough evidence to spur recommendations.
Postpartum depression: Moving toward improved screening with a new app
The MGH Perinatal Depression Scale (MGHPDS) is an app that screens for postpartum depression during and after pregnancy.