Practice Management
Brand Who? Brand You!
As health care providers in a competitive field, we often have to be our own cheerleaders. Are you doing all you can to promote your personal...
6 ways to reduce liability by improving doc-nurse teams
Solid teamwork among physicians and nurses not only makes for a smoother work environment, it also helps to reduce medical errors and lower the...
Family medicine remains first in recruiting demand
“Demographic destiny” favors medical specialists over primary care.
Specialty practices hire more physician assistants and nurse practitioners
Overall, 28% of all specialty practices employed advanced practice clinicians in 2016 – a 22% increase from 2008.
Annual ob.gyn. visit a ‘powerful opportunity’ to talk heart health
Women are at greater risk than men are of cardiovascular mortality, ACOG and the AHA note in a newly published joint advisory.
Do You Trust Your Employer?
Trust is a central component to any interaction or relationship—and while it's vital to build rapport with your patients, it's also important that...
Study using U.K. data quantifies infection risk associated with psoriasis
The most common serious infections were lower respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue, and upper respiratory tract infections.
Who Makes More: Male or Female Clinicians?
Our 2017 Job Satisfaction survey gleaned a multitude of data about NP and PA practice in the United States. Here, we offer you a glimpse at gender...
Conference Coverage
Teleconference is effective in assessing penicillin allergy
ORLANDO - Teleconferencing saved money, physician time, and patient exposure to more potent antibiotics.
Unscheduled visits for pain after hernia surgery common, costly
Postop pain after hernia surgery can mean numerous visits or calls to the surgical service.