Practice Management
Lawmakers question mental health disclosure rules
The AMA, AAFP, and others have signed a statement encouraging organizations not to inquire about clinicians and health care staff’s previous...
Telehealth and medical liability
Is the “in-person” standard of care appropriate for telemedicine?
Money worries during COVID-19? Six tips to keep your finances afloat
“A lot of people are hesitant to stop their automatic savings if they’ve been maxing out their 401(k) contribution or 529 accounts. ... But if you...
Rapid changes to health system spurred by COVID might be here to stay
Experts warn that the breakthroughs may not all make the health system work better or make it less expensive. That said, three trends seem likely...
COVID-19: New group stands up for health professionals facing retaliation
“Doctors, nurses, health care workers are not the typical type to engage politically, to speak out, [or to] advocate for themselves,” said Beacon...
Testing the limits of medical technology
Meeting the deadline for opening a drive-through COVID-19 testing center turned out to be impossible.
Patient-focused precautions, testing help blunt pandemic effects on heme-onc unit
Multiple factors helped keep the anticipated COVID-19 surge manageable at the hematologic oncology service of Levine Cancer Institute.
Hazard pay included in new COVID-19 relief bill
A few states and hospital systems are already offering this kind of compensation.
News from the FDA/CDC
Operation Quack Hack: FDA moves to stop fraudulent COVID-19 products
Some companies are selling fraudulent products with claims to prevent, treat, mitigate, diagnose or cure coronavirus.
COVID-19: Eight steps for getting ready to see patients again
You may need to hire temporary workers if your staff tests positive.