Preventive Care
Heart-protective diet in PURE study allows whole-fat dairy
“The new results in PURE, in combination with prior reports, call for a re-evaluation of unrelenting guidelines to avoid whole-fat dairy products...
FDA expands inclisiran statin-adjunct indication to include primary prevention
The indications now include patients taking statins for primary dyslipidemia who have high-risk comorbidities such as diabetes but who do not have...
High-dose vitamin D may cut risk for new atrial fibrillation
High-dose vitamin D3 supplementation may reduce incidence of AFib in a generally healthy, largely vitamin D–sufficient elderly population.
CV benefit from vitamin D caps hinted in huge D-Health trial
“The effects for myocardial infarction in people taking statins or cardiovascular disease drugs at baseline are suggestive of benefit.”
Does colchicine have a role in treating excess ASCVD risk in patients with chronic inflammatory conditions?
Experts in rheumatology, dermatology, and gastroenterology assess the potential of colchicine 0.5 mg to treat residual risk for atherosclerotic...
Sponsored Supplement
Intake of Vitamins and Minerals Is Inadequate for Most Americans: What Should We Advise Patients About Supplements?
In head and neck cancer, better outcomes seen in patients with overweight
Among 445 patients treated with chemoradiation, those with overweight saw improvements in survival and tumor recurrence, compared with patients...
Conference Coverage
ADA: Screen all with type 2 diabetes for fatty liver disease
The ADA now advises screening all adults with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, particularly those with obesity or cardiometabolic risk factors or...
Time to prescribe sauna bathing for cardiovascular health?
"Increased cardiac output is one of the physiologic reasons sauna is good for heart health."
Syncope not associated with increased risk for car crash
“This study doesn’t say there’s no relationship between syncope and subsequent crash, just that our current practices, including current driving...
Alcohol may curb stress signaling in brain to protect heart
“There is no safe level of alcohol consumption. We see cancer risk even at the level that we see some protection from heart disease. And higher...