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AAP guidance helps distinguish bleeding disorders from abuse



In some cases, bruising or bleeding from bleeding disorders may look like signs of child abuse, but new guidance may help clinicians distinguish one from the other.

On Sept. 19 the American Academy of Pediatrics published two reports – a clinical report and a technical report – in the October 2022 issue of Pediatrics on evaluating for bleeding disorders when child abuse is suspected.

The reports were written by the AAP Section on Hematology/Oncology and the AAP Council on Child Abuse and Neglect.

One doesn’t rule out the other

The reports emphasize that laboratory testing of bleeding cannot always rule out abuse, just as a history of trauma (accidental or nonaccidental) may not rule out a bleeding disorder or other medical condition.

In the clinical report, led by James Anderst, MD, MSCI, with the division of child adversity and resilience, Children’s Mercy Hospital, University of Missouri–Kansas City, the researchers note that infants are at especially high risk of abusive bruising/bleeding, but bleeding disorders may also present in infancy.

The authors give an example of a situation when taking a thorough history won’t necessarily rule out a bleeding disorder: Male infants who have been circumcised with no significant bleeding issues may still have a bleeding disorder. Therefore, laboratory evaluations are often needed to detect disordered bleeding.

Children’s medications should be documented, the authors note, because certain drugs, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, some antibiotics, antiepileptics, and herbal supplements, can affect tests that might be used to detect bleeding disorders.

Likewise, asking about restrictive or unusual diets or alternative therapies is important as some could increase the likelihood of bleeding/bruising.

Signs that bleeding disorder is not likely

The authors advise that, if a child has any of the following, an evaluation for a bleeding disorder is generally not needed:

  • Caregivers’ description of trauma sufficiently explains the bruising.
  • The child or an independent witness can provide a history of abuse or nonabusive trauma that explains the bruising.
  • The outline of the bruising follows an object or hand pattern.
  • The location of the bruising is on the ears, neck, or genitals.

“Bruising to the ears, neck, or genitals is rarely seen in either accidental injuries or in children with bleeding disorders,” the authors write.

Specification of which locations for injuries are more indicative of abuse in both mobile and immobile children was among the most important information from the paper, Seattle pediatrician Timothy Joos, MD, said in an interview.

Also very helpful, he said, was the listing of which tests should be done if bruising looks like potential abuse.

The authors write that if bruising is concerning for abuse that necessitates evaluation for bleeding disorders, the following tests should be done: PT (prothrombin time); aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time); von Willebrand Factor (VWF) activity (Ristocetin cofactor); factor VIII activity level; factor IX activity level; and a complete blood count, including platelets.

“I think that’s what a lot of us suspected, but there’s not a lot of summary evidence regarding that until now,” Dr. Joos said.


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