Case Reports
Enlarging Scalp Lesion
A 67-year-old patient has an enlarging, dome-shaped nodule on his scalp; an infant is brought in with an underdeveloped auricle.
Case Reports
Painful Bumps on Right Ankle
An 83-year-old patient displays firm, erythematous papules on her right ankle that she describes as persistent and painful; another elderly woman...
Acute Febrile Rash
A 46-year-old man presents with an acute febrile rash; a middle-aged man is concerned about a discolored area on his foot.
Case Reports
Right Inguinal Pain and Rash
An elderly man seeks treatment for ear pain, drainage, and hearing loss; a 30-year-old woman has a painful rash in her right inguinal area.
Clinical Review
Skin Infections in Wrestlers and Other Athletes
Whether viral, bacterial, or fungal, these infections put not only the individual athlete but whole teams at risk. The following questions and...
Clinical Review
Assessing and Managing Mammal Bites
Animal bites can carry a serious risk of broken bones, neurovascular damage, infection, and psychological harm. Here’s how to size up the...