Lower Thoracic Spine Tenderness After a Motor Vehicle Accident
A man reports midline tenderness over the lower thoracic spine following a motor vehicle accident. What are the imaging findings, and are...
Man With Fever and Cough
What does imaging show in this young man with fever and cough?
Shoulder Pain After a Cycling Accident
A woman has shoulder pain after a fall from her bicycle. What do the radiographs show, and is additional imaging warranted?
Nausea and Epigastric Pain in a Renal Failure Patient
What does abdominal imaging reveal in this renal failure patient with nausea and epigastric pain?
A Man Who Is Dyspneic
Radiography and CT are performed in a man who is dyspneic with leg pain and swelling. What do the images show?
Pain in a Man Who Had Childhood Spine Surgery
A man with a history of childhood spine surgery has pain in both lower extremities. What does MRI demonstrate?
A Man With Back Pain and Fever
What do the radiographs reveal in this man with back pain and fever? Is additional imaging warranted?
A Knee Injury and Joint Effusion
Physical exam reveals joint effusion in a man with an injured knee. What do the radiographs show, and are other injuries possible?
Case Reports
Visual Disturbances and Severe Hypertension
A man presents to the ED with visual disturbances. He also has severe hypertension and renal failure. What do the CT images illustrate?
Knee Pain and Swelling
A man with pain, swelling, and decreased range of motion of the left knee presents for evaluation. What are the findings on MRI?
Cough and Hemoptysis
What does the radiograph reveal in this woman with cough and hemoptysis? Is additional imaging warranted?