Case Reports
Gone but Not Forgotten: Acute Appendicitis Postappendectomy
A 33-year-old man presented for evaluation of a 3-day history of progressive and radiating right lower quadrant abdominal pain...
Case Reports
Bedside Ultrasound for Pulsatile Hand Mass
A 23-year-old man, who initially presented to an outside hospital’s ED for evaluation and treatment of a stab wound, presented to our ED two...
VIDEO: Ultrasound with Doppler
Pulsatile flow is noted through the neck of the mass.
VIDEO: Initial Bedside Ultrasound of Pulsatile Hand Mass
A round pulsatile hand mass with heterogeneous echogenicity.
Conference Coverage
Imaging methods for stroke thrombectomy eligibility yield similar results
Stroke patients who were treated with thrombectomy at 6-24 hours fared equally well whether CT or MR imaging was used to assess their infarct.
Emergency Ultrasound: Focused Ultrasound for Respiratory Distress: The BLUE Protocol
Lung ultrasound using the BLUE protocol provides critical information within minutes of initial evaluation.
Advanced Hemodynamic and Cardiopulmonary Ultrasound for Critically Ill Patients in the Emergency Department
Focused echocardiography, advanced hemodynamic, and cardiopulmonary point-of-care ultrasound studies provide time-sensitive evaluation of...
Conference Coverage
Clinical rule decreased pediatric trauma CT scans
A clinical rule based on five variables could limit unnecessary abdominal radiation exposure in children with trauma injuries.
FDA: Gadolinium retention prompts new GBCA class warning, safety measures
Gadolinium-based contrast agents used for MRI will now carry a warning regarding potential retention in the bodies and brains of treated patients...
FDA: Gadolinium retention prompts new GBCA class warning, safety measures
Gadolinium-based contrast agents used for MRI will now carry a warning regarding potential retention in the bodies and brains of treated patients...
Case Reports
Emergency Imaging: Atraumatic Leg Pain
A 96-year-old woman with a medical history of sciatica, vertigo, osteoporosis, and dementia presented with atraumatic right leg pain. She stated...