
Paving the way for diversity in clinical trials


“I’m the first person in my circle of family and friends to participate in a clinical trial.”

Five years ago, Rhonda Long was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, a rare bile duct cancer that’s seen in only about 8,000 Americans each year.

At the time, Mrs. Long, who is Black, said her doctor in Dayton, Ohio, told her she was not a candidate for surgery and suggested palliative care. After seeking a second opinion at Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C., where her sister worked, the 51-year-old wife and mother of two had surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy there in North Carolina. When the chemo stopped working after 3 months, her oncologist at Duke referred her to a colleague at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, where she was accepted into a clinical trial.

“In 2019, I traveled to Boston from Dayton, Ohio, every 3 weeks for labs and scans, to make sure that the drug wasn’t doing more harm than good, making sure that the drug as developed was maintaining, shrinking, or even eliminating the disease. Physically and financially, it takes a toll on you and loved ones.”

Her medical insurance did not cover the direct expenses from the clinical trial, and she was spending $1,000-$1,500 each trip. Sometimes they drove the 15 hours to Boston, and sometimes they flew on the cheapest flight they could find.

It’s not an unfamiliar story: people traveling, often long distances, to take part in clinical trials they hope will save their lives.

The Lazarex Cancer Foundation of Danville, Calif., helped Mrs. Long do just that.

Marya Shegog, PhD, health equity and diversity coordinator at Lazarex, said that a patient travels an average of 500 miles to participate in a trial.

The financial hurdles often prevent patients from taking part in clinical trials, Dr. Shegog said. “When you are sick, and you have a disease that may be terminal, you start thinking about setting your things in order.”

Many patients have to make a decision.

“Do I bankrupt my family on trying and hoping that this drug works and helps me live longer, or do I start setting things in order so that when I’m gone, they’re okay or at least better than if I wouldn’t have spent all the money traveling back and forth.”

Dr. Shegog, a 17-year cancer survivor, says when she was battling cervical cancer, a clinical trial was never offered or explored.

Lazarex has been helping cancer patients who have run out of options for 15 years. It identifies clinical trial opportunities and reimburses patients for all travel costs. Last year, Lazarex reimbursed more than 1,000 cancer patients. And it has supported more than 6,000 people since opening its doors.

“Lazarex exists to help remove the barriers of people not being able to participate in trials,” Dr. Shegog said. “It’s systemic that the medical system does not treat patients the same and oftentimes does not offer or make aware the opportunities for African Americans to participate.”

But now, thanks in part to COVID-19, new possibilities are taking shape. The pandemic has changed the landscape for trials, forcing many of them to go virtual, which allows patients to schedule telehealth visits and get some services like bloodwork and CT or MRI scans closer to home. Mrs. Long’s trial eventually went virtual.

“It was absolutely fantastic,” she said. “Having the trial locally, it saves us money, it saves wear and tear on my body. Being in the car, being in an airport or in a plane and in a hotel, all of that wears on you physically.”

The move to virtual studies may have lasting effects on research and treatment.

“The current pandemic has forced us to reexamine all of the traditional burdens we place on patients as it relates to receiving cancer treatment,” said Hala Borno, MD, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. “Whether they’re coming to our health care facility to see a clinician, for diagnostics such as blood draws and scans, or to receive therapy, this pandemic has challenged us to explore other possibilities that minimize the risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2. What I find striking is that it has helped us operationalize use of telemedicine and the delivery of care closer to home.”

This is especially encouraging news for minority patients whose participation in trials has for years lagged well behind that of Whites.

But travel is not the only reason. Racial disparities in clinical trials have long been an issue that’s just another part of the implicit bias in health care.

Compared with White people, Black people are largely at higher risk for heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, asthma, and even mental health problems.

And it’s not just African Americans. Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Alaska Natives are all underrepresented in trials at a time when there is growing evidence that drugs may have different effects on different populations.

Dr. Borno is an oncologist who specializes in prostate cancer, a disease that she says shows a “significant disparity,” where Black men are two times more likely to die from advanced prostate cancer, compared with white men. Yet Black men make up just 3% of advanced therapeutic trials.

“A lack of diversity and inclusion in clinical trials is unacceptable,” she said. “If we continue to underrecruit racial/ethnic minorities and older adults to therapeutic clinical trials, we will not be powered to make valid conclusions regarding safety and efficacy in those patient populations. As a result, we can do harm.”

Dr. Borno said that telehealth and telemedicine are not cure-alls, and digital health solutions don’t work for all patients. Approaches, she says, must be tailored to the individual, or disparities could worsen.

In 2020, the Food and Drug Administration approved 53 new drugs. Overall, 32,000 patients took part in these trials. On average, 75% were White, 8% were Black, 6% were Asian, and 11% were Hispanic.

Here’s one stark example of the issue. In 2015, the FDA approved ixazomib (Ninlaro), a promising new drug for multiple myeloma, a blood cancer that affects Black people at disproportionately higher rates than White people. In the United States, one in five people diagnosed with multiple myeloma are Black people. They are more than twice as likely to get the disease as White people. Yet during the clinical trial of 722 participants, only 13 patients, or 1.8%, were Black.

The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 600,000 Americans will die from cancer this year. Historically, Black Americans have the highest death rate and the shortest survival of any racial or ethnic group, stemming largely, it concluded, from centuries of structural racism.

According to Jamie Freedman, MD, head of U.S. medical affairs at Genentech, a global pharmaceutical company, the lack of diversity is often tied to where studies are run.

“Companies tend to choose major academic medical centers where there is a high volume of clinical trial work. When you go to the same tried and true hospitals repeatedly, the pool of patients becomes very homogeneous and tends to be primarily white,” he said. “It’s critical to bring more trials into the community setting by including new sites that can reach underrepresented groups, and Genentech is making significant progress in that area.”


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