Attending the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association? We are! If you can't make it, don't worry. We'll have you covered.
Our team of reporters will be front and center, covering the latest news and producing in-depth video interviews. In addition, we are pleased to announce our latest social media efforts so you won't miss a beat.
You can follow our coverage @ClinEndoNews on Twitter! Feel free to retweet us and share our articles. We'll be using the hashtag #2013ADA for all stories associated with the meeting so you can get directly to the content you want.
Please visit and like our Facebook page where you can get the latest information from the meeting.
And finally, we've launched a Pinterest page especially for ADA 2013!
Want to know where to go and what to eat in Chicago? Follow tips from Patrice Wendling, our Chicago Bureau Chief, to get the most out of the Second City while you're attending the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association. Want to share your favorite spot? Tweet your tips to @NaseemSMiller.