Can this patient get IV contrast?
Patients with seafood allergy have a higher rate of reactions to iodinated contrast, but not at a higher rate than patients with other food...
Are patient portals living up to the hype? Ask your mother-in-law!
How to keep patient portals from being locked doors to those they’re designed to help.
My inspiration
I seem to push harder and faster when watching idols pass by.
Be alert for embezzlement
Embezzlement remains far more common in medical offices than generally assumed - and it often occurs in full view of physicians.
The power of an odd couple
Docs weigh pulling out of MIPS over paltry payments
But don’t let your foot off the gas pedal yet, since the penalty for not participating in 2020 is a substantial 9%.
The power and promise of person-generated health data – part 1
Health-related data from personal computing devices such as wearables and smartphones could sharpen diagnosis and treatment.
Being whole
Physicians have to struggle balancing the potential benefits of technology and medical intervention with compassion and knowing when to say enough...
Is there a (robotic) doctor in the house?
Research published by Washington University’s Center for Advanced Studies in Adaptive Systems (CASAS) describes a technology that aims to help...
Law & Medicine
Office of Inspector General
Health care fraud, waste, and abuse consume some 10% of federal health expenditures.
How I became a better doctor
Dr. Richard W. Cohen describes how his experience as a patient changed his perspective on practicing medicine.