The necessity of being together
From the Journals
COVID-19 pandemic spells trouble for children’s health
School closures could noticeably worsen the epidemic of childhood obesity that already threatens many children in the United States.
COVID-19 and its impact on the pediatric patient
Balancing ethics with empathy
Making something ordinary out of the extraordinary
Establishing and maintaining routines is important for both physical and mental health at every age and time, but especially when a major change...
The role of FOAM and social networks in COVID-19
FOAM and social networks are crucial channels for collecting and conveying up-to-date information during disasters.
Learning about the curve
There is another curve that we will need to concentrate on long after the much yearned for flattening of the death curve has been achieved.
Resources for LGBTQ youth during challenging times
This is a time to “support our LGBTQ young people in finding creative responses.” – Heather Newby, LCSW
From the Journals
Preschoolers with higher BMI have elevated risk for fracture
Early interventions to treat obesity in young children could prevent fractures later in childhood.
COVID-19 pandemic brings unexpected pediatric consequences
‘The kids will be all right,’ won’t they?
From a social standpoint, pediatric patients’ lives have been turned upside down.