From the Journals
Few transgender teens discontinue hormones in young adulthood
Pioneering clinic’s research finds that 98% of transgender adolescents taking puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones were still taking the latter...
From the Journals
Chest reconstruction surgeries up nearly fourfold among adolescents
One of the largest studies to investigate gender-affirming chest reconstructions found a significant increase in surgeries among gender diverse...
Latest News
Screening gaps miss childhood heart problems
Clinical diagnosis of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia can be based on LDL cholesterol levels, family history, and the presence of...
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Hormone changes: The star of every stage in women’s sleep
There’s still a lot of work to be done in terms of better defining the characteristics specific to each sleep disorder and how they relate to each...
From the Journals
It’s about location: PCOS symptoms differ depending where you live
Women with PCOS in California were more likely to have hyperandrogenemia than were those in Alabama, but age and BMI weren’t factors, nor was race...
The WPATH guidelines for treatment of adolescents with gender dysphoria have changed
One of the major differences between the WPATH standards of care versions 7 and 8 is that version 8 now includes a chapter specifically dedicated...
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Check biases when caring for children with obesity
For many children with obesity, visits to the pediatrician often center on weight, regardless of the reason for the appointment.
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With sleuth work, pediatricians can identify genetic disorders
For pediatricians, the process of deciding whether to refer a patient to a geneticist may entail ruling out nongenetic causes, considering patient...
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Ultra-processed food intake by moms linked with childhood obesity
This study demonstrates the possible advantages of restricting ultra-processed food consumption among women and mothers who are in their...
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Med groups urge feds to protect physicians from anti-trans violence
Not only do the threats bully physicians providing gender-affirming care and the patients who receive that care, but “they have also disrupted...
Conference Coverage
Strong link found between enterovirus and type 1 diabetes
Relationship is particularly high within 1 month of type 1 diabetes onset, suggesting potential preventive role for vaccination or antivirals.