Conference Coverage

Presentation of Primary Ocular Melanoma in an Adult Male

Abstract 20: 2016 AVAHO Meeting


Ocular melanoma is the most common primary intraocular malignancy and can often be fatal. It is relatively uncommon and presents in about 5.1 cases per million population per year. Oftentimes, the patient is asymptomatic at diagnosis and the presentation is highly variable. We present a case of ocular melanoma.

A 68-year-old man with a history of hypertension, osteoarthritis, and coronary artery disease came in after having worsening pain in multiple joints. Review of systems revealed worsening blurry vision and eye floaters. He denied eye pain or other associated complaints. He had no past history of any ocular pigmented lesions or history of skin cancer. Ophthalmology evaluation a few years earlier did not identify any abnormalities. Approximately 10 years prior to presentation, he did have LASIK surgery on both eyes. Subsequent ophthalmological evaluation showed an iris mass, elevated pressure, intra-retinal hemorrhages, and evidence of involvement in the choroid and conjunctivae. This was highly suspicious for iris melanoma of the right eye. He was started on intraocular pressure lowering medications and further workup was initiated. Biopsy confirmed the diagnoses of choroidal melanoma with an iris mass measuring 1 mm radially by 4 mm circumferentially. The mass extended posteriorly and involved well over half his iridocorneal angle resulting in very high intraocular pressure. A metastatic workup was done and was negative at the time. He underwent successful enucleation surgery with prostheses placement. Patient did well until about 1.5 years later when he was found to have multiple liver lesions suggestive of metastasis. This is currently being further evaluated.

No current guidelines exist for the screening of primary ocular melanoma as well as for screening for metastasis in those already diagnosed. Unfortunately, up to 50% of patients with ocular melanoma develop metastases. This case opens the discussion of needing current guidelines for screening and better surveillance in ocular melanomas. It highlights the importance of looking into screening using genomics and also developing targeted therapies, as well as focusing on immunotherapies for these cases.

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