Original Research

Who Receives Care in VA Medical Foster Homes?

Author and Disclosure Information




This study was part of a larger research project assessing the impact of the MFH program on veterans’ outcomes and health care spending as well as factors influencing program growth.7,9,10,16,19-23 We report on the characteristics of veterans staying in MFHs, using data from the MDS, including a clinical assessment of patients’ cognitive, function, and health care–related needs, collected from participants recruited for this study.

Five research nurses were trained to administer the MDS assessment to veterans in MFHs. Data were collected between April 2014 and December 2015 from veterans at MFH sites associated with 4 urban VA medical centers in 4 different Veterans Integrated Service Networks (58 total homes). While the VA medical centers (VAMCs)were urban, many of the MFHs were in rural areas, given that MFHs can be up to 50 miles from the associated VAMC. We selected MFH sites for this study based on MFH program veteran census. Specifically, we identified MFH sites with high veteran enrollment to ensure we would have a sufficiently large sample for participant recruitment.

Veterans who had resided in an MFH for at least 90 days were eligible to participate. Of the 155 veterans mailed a letter of invitation to participate, 92 (59%) completed the in-home MDS assessment. Reasons for not participating included: 13 veterans died prior to data collection, 18 veterans declined to participate, 18 family members or legal guardians of cognitively impaired veterans did not want the veteran to participate, and 14 veterans left the MFH program or were hospitalized at the time of data collection.

Family members and legal guardians who declined participation on behalf of a veteran reported that they felt the veteran was too frail to participate or that participating would be an added burden on the veteran. Based on the census of veterans residing in all MFHs nationally in November 2015 (N = 972), 9.5% of MFH veterans were included in this study.7This study was approved by the VA Central Institutional Review Board (CIRB #12–31), in addition to the local VA research and development review boards where MFH MDS assessments were collected.

Assessment Instrument and Variables

The MDS 3.0 assesses numerous aspects of clinical and functional status. Several resident-level characteristics from the MDS 3.0 were included in this study. The Cognitive Function Scale (CFS) was used to categorize cognitive function. The CFS is a categorical variable that is created from MDS 3.0 data. The CFS integrates self- and staff-reported data to classify individuals as cognitively intact, mildly impaired, moderately impaired, or severely impaired based on respondents’ Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS) assessment or staff-reported cognitive function collected as part of the MDS 3.0.24 We explored depression by calculating a mean summary severity score for all respondents from the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 item interview (PHQ-9).25 PHQ-9 summary scores range from 0 to 27, with mean scores of ≤ 4 indicating no or minimal depression, and higher scores corresponding to more severe depression as scores increase. For respondents who were unable to complete the PHQ-9, we calculated mean PHQ Observational Version (PHQ-9-OV) scores.


Online-Only Materials

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