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Standardization of the Discharge Process for Inpatient Hematology and Oncology Using Plan-Do-Study-Act Methodology Improves Follow-Up and Patient Hand-Off

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Background: Hematology and oncology patients represent a complex population that requires timely follow-up to prevent clinical decompensation and delays in treatment. Previous reports have demonstrated that follow-up within 14 days is associated with decreased 30-day readmissions, and the magnitude of this effect is greater for higher-risk patients. This project was designed to standardize the discharge process with the primary goal of reducing average time to hematology and oncology follow-up to < 14 days.

Methods: Using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) quality improve ment methodology, a multidisciplinary team of hematology and oncology staff developed and implemented a standardized discharge process. Rotating resident physicians were trained through online and in-person education. Additional interventions included the development of a discharge checklist handout, and a clinical decision support tool including a note template and embedded order set. All patients discharged during the 2-month period before and after the implementation of the standardized process were evaluated. Follow-up appointment scheduling data and communication between inpatient and outpatient providers were reviewed.

Results: A total of 142 consecutive patients were reviewed. The primary endpoint of time to hematology and oncology follow-up appointment improved from a mean 17 days prior to intervention to 13 days in PDSA cycles 1 and 2 and 10 days in PDSA cycle 3. The target of 14-day average time to follow-up was achieved. Furthermore, the upper control limit decreased from 58 days at baseline to 21 days in PDSA cycle 3, demonstrating a decrease in variation. Electronic alerting of outpatient hematology and oncology providers to discharge summary increased from 20% before the intervention to 62% after the intervention ( P = .01).

Conclusions: This quality initiative to standardize the discharge process for the hematology and oncology service decreased time to hematology and oncology follow-up appointments, improved communication between inpatient and outpatient teams, and decreased process variation. Timelier follow-up for this complex patient population will prevent clinical decompensation and delays in treatment.



Hematology and oncology patients are a complex patient population that requires timely follow-up to prevent clinical decompensation and delays in treatment. Previous reports have demonstrated that outpatient follow-up within 14 days is associated with decreased 30-day readmissions. The magnitude of this effect is greater for higher-risk patients.1 Therefore, patients being discharged from the hematology and oncology inpatient service should be seen by a hematology and oncology provider within 14 days of discharge. Patients who do not require close oncologic follow-up should be seen by a primary care provider (PCP) within this timeframe.


The Institute of Medicine (IOM) identified the need to focus on quality improvement and patient safety with a 1999 report, To Err Is Human.2 Tremendous strides have been made in the areas of quality improvement and patient safety over the past 2 decades. In a 2013 report, the IOM further identified hematology and oncology care as an area of need due to a combination of growing demand, complexity of cancer and cancer treatment, shrinking workforce, and rising costs. The report concluded that cancer care is not as patient-centered, accessible, coordinated, or evidence based as it could be, with detrimental impacts on patients.3 Patients with cancer have been identified as a high-risk population for hospital readmissions.4,5 Lack of timely follow-up and failed hand-offs have been identified as factors contributing to poor outcomes at time of discharge.6-10

Upon internal review of baseline performance data, we identified areas needing improvement in the discharge process. These included time to hematology and oncology follow-up appointment, percent of patients with PCP appointments scheduled at time of discharge, and electronically alerts for the outpatient hematologist/oncologist to discharge summaries. It was determined that patients discharged from the inpatient service were seen a mean 17 days later by their outpatient hematology and oncology provider and the time to the follow-up appointment varied substantially, with some patients being seen several weeks to months after discharge. Furthermore, only 68% of patients had a primary care appointment scheduled at the time of discharge. These data along with review of data reported in the medical literature supported our initiative for improvement in the transition from inpatient to outpatient care for our hematology and oncology patients.

Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) quality improvement methodology was used to create and implement several interventions to standardize the discharge process for this patient population, with the primary goal of decreasing the mean time to hematology and oncology follow-up from 17 days by 12% to fewer than 14 days. Patients who do not require close oncologic follow-up should be seen by a PCP within this timeframe. Otherwise, PCP follow-up within at least 6 months should be made. Secondary aims included (1) an increase in scheduled PCP visits at time of discharge from 68% to > 90%; and (2) an increase in communication of the discharge summary via electronic alerting of the outpatient hematology and oncology physician from 20% to > 90%. Herein, we report our experience and results of this quality improvement initiative


The Institutional Review Board at Edward Hines Veteran Affairs Hospital in Hines, Illinois reviewed this single-center study and deemed it to be exempt from oversight. Using PDSA quality improvement methodology, a multidisciplinary team of hematology and oncology staff developed and implemented a standardized discharge process. The multidisciplinary team included a robust representation of inpatient and outpatient staff caring for the hematology and oncology patient population, including attending physicians, fellows, residents, advanced practice nurses, registered nurses, clinical pharmacists, patient care coordinators, clinic schedulers, clinical applications coordinators, quality support staff, and a systems redesign coach. Hospital leadership including chief of staff, chief of medicine, and chief of nursing participated as the management guidance team. Several interviews and group meetings were conducted and a multidisciplinary team collaboratively developed and implemented the interventions and monitored the results.

Project Aims and Postintervention Outcomes

Outcome measures were identified, including time to hematology and oncology clinic visit, primary care follow-up scheduling, and communication of discharge to the outpatient hematology and oncology physician. Baseline data were collected and reviewed. The multidisciplinary team developed a process flow map to understand the steps and resources involved with the transition from inpatient to outpatient care. Gap analysis and root cause analysis were performed. A solutions approach was applied to develop interventions. Table 1 shows a summary of the identified problems, symptoms, associated causes, the interventions aimed to address the problems, and expected outcomes. Rotating resident physicians were trained through online and in-person education. The multidisciplinary team met intermittently to monitor outcomes, provide feedback, further refine interventions, and develop additional interventions.


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